Trusted by 250+ Insurance Sales Teams
Daniel P. Amos
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Jeb Blount
“CAP is a systematic and holistic approach to obtaining success in sales. It removes the ‘noise’. I tell salespeople to, ‘Eat, Sleep and Prospect.’ Joe’s been doing that for over forty years and he has the scars and bank account to prove it.”
Tom Hopkins
“Sales can be taught in many different ways. The CAP Equation is one of the rare sales teaching methods that can wrap around and compliment all other methods, giving new PERSPECTIVE to them.”
About Your Instructors
Tom Healy and Joe Buzzello
Tom and Joe are the Co-Founders of mentumm and both have a passion for developing salespeople and sales teams. They have a combined 60+ years of developing people through building companies, delivering workshops, publishing books, creating online content and working 1:1 with sales teams around the country. They are excited to share this content with you and hope it is impactful!