This course will help you...

  • Improve Your Messaging

    You'll learn how to craft a message that catches your target market's attention and makes them more likely to respond to you.

  • Get More Prospects

    You'll learn how to turn on all the potential prospecting spigots so that you can better fill your pipeline with qualified leads.

  • Book More Appointments

    You'll generate more meetings with qualified prospects and have a higher number of people in your pipeline at all times.

Course Content

    1. Introduction to Your Appointment MACHINE

    2. Program Workbook (Please Download)

    1. Establishing Your Prospecting PARADIGMS

    1. Aligning to Their BUYING Journey

    1. Turning ALL Spigots ON

    1. Creating Your CLEAR Message + CTA

    1. Plan of Action

    2. Next Steps

About This Course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Start Generating More Appointments Today!

About Your Course Instructors

Tom Healy and Joe Buzzello

Tom and Joe are the Co-Founders of mentumm and both have a passion for developing salespeople and sales teams. They have a combined 60+ years of developing people through building companies, delivering workshops, publishing books, creating online content and working 1:1 with sales teams around the country. They are excited to share this content with you and hope it is impactful!

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