Micro Sales Topics to Help You Become More Effective!

  • 30-minutes weekly (live or on-demand below)

  • Hyper-focused on a specific sales topic

  • Easy for you to learn and immediately implement

Learning Content

    1. Registration Link

    1. The Perfect Week

    1. A Great Sales Process

    1. Chunking it Down

    1. Get Out of Your Bubble!

    1. Memorize, Internalize & Personalize

About this course

  • 27 lessons
  • 12 hours of video content

Check Out a Previous Weekly Session...

These 30-minute interactive sessions are available live each week and then immediately placed on our platform to view on-demand along with the full archive of past sessions. This session was about developing "A Great Sales Process".

Meet Your Facilitators!

Tom Healy and Joe Buzzello

Tom and Joe are the Co-Founders of mentumm and both have a passion for developing salespeople and sales teams. They have a combined 60+ years of developing people through building companies, delivering workshops, publishing books, creating online content and working 1:1 with sales teams around the country. They are excited to share this content with you and hope it is impactful!